The war tore the family apart. Men had to go to the Wehrmacht, women to deportation

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Jarmila Cardová was born on March 10, 1936 in Javorník in Silesia. Her mother came from a German family. Her father was Czech and a member of the Czechoslovak financial guard. He guarded the border in the Rychlebské hory near Javorník. Before the annexation of the Sudetenland to Germany, on September 22, 1938, he experienced an ambush by members of the Sudeten German terrorist corps Freikorps. They captured him and took him to prison in Germany. After a month, he was released thanks to a prisoner exchange. Jarmila and her mother also ended up in a German prison for a short time. Her father was then transferred to Vysoké u Hustopečí nad Bečvou, which was part of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia from 1939. Jarmila lived there during the German occupation and liberation. After the war, the family returned to Travné u Javorníku, where her mother came from. There she experienced the deportation of the Germans, which even her family did not escape. Her three aunts and cousins were deported to Germany. Her grandma was eventually released from the internment camp. After 1948 and the abolition of the Financial Guard, the family moved to Bílovka in Nový Jičín area. Jarmila graduated there in 1954. Then she taught at an elementary school until her retirement. She was active in the physical education unit and the tourist section. In 2022, she lived in Bílovec.