At the age of sixteen, he was imprisoned for high treason

Stáhnout obrázek
Albín Blažek was born on 11 March 1932 in the settlement Babka near Oldřiš in then Polička district. His parents owned a pub which was located near the main road, they traded in cattle and had a small farm. During the war, his father was helping the partisans. In April 1945 the partisans shot Blažek’s neighbour Josef Groulík because he collaborated with Germans. In August 1948, Jiří Novotný appeared in Babka and claimed he is the co-worker of a western secret service. In November 1948 Albín Blažek and his parents were arrested by the State Security and he was sentenced to six months in prison for uniting against the state. He spent his compulsory military service with technical auxiliary battalions (PTP). He spent there thirty-two months. The members of State Security forced his father to co-operate in the first half of 1950s. After the military service, Albín Blažek worked at the butcher’s, later he started to work at ČSAD (Czechoslovak State Automobile Transport) where he had worked as a bus driver until he retired. In 1960 he got married. With his wife Marie they had two sons – Petr and Milan. Milan died in a train crash near Otradov in 1995. In 1968 Albín and his parents applied for rehabilitation. They did not succeed but one of the two members of State Security, who forced his father to co-operate, was dismissed from duty. The family was rehabilitated by the court only after the revolution. The witness became an active member of Svaz PTP. He had been the chairman of the Polička unit for twenty years. During the recording of the interview, he was the last living member of PTP in Polička region. In 2021, he lived with his wife Marie in Babka.