Zdeněk Benáček

* 1952

  • "The cyclists contacted me immediately. I thought how special I was. When I came to the meeting, they told me that I would be a ``black soul''. This means that you are led in a department and they take money from you. They will give you one branch, but they will take, for example, twenty of them in your name. And when they have twenty such black souls?"

  • "Kamil arranged one guy for me with computers. I don't know if you knew the PC 286, because do you know what the whole set cost? It could be bought outside for 200 thousand Czechoslovak crowns. But when you knew how to manage it well, it was sold to the factory for half a million. So there was a hundred percent profit. That was incredible money. That was done by Kollár, Žaluď, Majský. Majský was older than me, but the others were shitheads. Now I bought the book Russia versus Kočner. And there was an article about Acorn, that they took one third of what he had from me, and they wrote there how much money it was. So I tell my son, look at what caliber father was. 270 thousand!!! Do you know how much it is? Salaries were 2 000 crowns at that time! And I had record, I earned 77 thousand in a day."

  • "Do you know what happened to me? I suddenly knew that the police were after me. So I jumped out of that bus and ran, and they ran after me. Where the law school is and the old bridge. I ran through the intersection at the red light. I was an athlete, but when I took off, a muscle in my leg snapped. I then had a black leg. I jumped under the truck to hide. They forced me out and kicked me, beat me up. They took my bag with money, I had over 100 thousand. They pretended to be an Anti-illegal money changing commando. So I came to Jožko and said to him: "Listen Jožko, they took my bag with money. How much was there? The next day I got that bag at home. I had a photo bag. He he tells me that they are vagabonds from Kiev. That he came to them: Give me the money, he is my man. That is how Bratislava learned that beware of Benáček, he has cover. I was as sovereign as a pig. I he wasn't afraid of anything. In quotes - it wasn't on me."

  • "The guy who brought cement here, two crates - pallets. It was about a hundred bags, or as many as there are. 50 kilograms. He tells me: Here you have it. I always gave him ten thousand for the material. He stole it somewhere and I they gave it for a better price. Listen, take it out quickly! You have it folded. He told me to take the cement out quickly because it will rain. His wife went to Russia on vacation. In a week, his daughter came with her cousin, where is this ? He hasn't been home for two days. I say, what do I know? So he's probably dead. Cyclists talk to each other after the race, that's the slang way they say he's dead. I thought he got drunk somewhere and some woman is somewhere. Police me caught and locked up. That how did I know he was dead when they didn't know it for a week. Now they show me a picture. He got six shots in the hat. They washed him. I'm telling you, you don't mean it. Those pigs usually give me two or three days they took me to the investigative base. Then they gave me a sketch of who I think he is. Because this guy was in a bar with some woman and they saw him there and made a sketch. I say that it is all my wife. In the end, I was no longer the murderer, but my wife. They locked up the wife. Then they found out it was bullshit. For a month, police cars were driving behind us, three were still taking turns. And I was a black taxi driver, a cyclist, almost a world champion. I knew Bratislava. I escaped the trackers."

  • "Then the misfortune happened that the police caught me in Slavín and took one hundred and twelve thousand from me. I had an acquaintance, and later I found out that she worked for the ŠtB. I thought she would help me. I was in danger of getting busted, because it was a lot of money. At that time, the salary was two thousand. So she tells me that I should go to him and explain it to him. So I went to him. We met by the Danube. He searched me all over to see if I had anything to eavesdrop on. After all, I was his man. He told me that he would justify it and that I would be his colleague. I even took money. Once he brought me six crowns. Then I looked for myself on the ŠtB lists. Even though I never signed anything. He brought me a paper and that you sign here, but only Zdeněk. He gave me six crowns. And I told him, Jožko, we're going to the field with everyone, so here's three hundred. And since then he hasn't given me any more. So I was his black soul, just like I was in cycling . He took money in my name that I was helping him. They must have known about the underworld. I knew everyone. I was still an athlete. It was a police officer with a criminal background who caught me with the money and was sent by an acquaintance. Gabas Jozef."

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    Bratislava, 14.04.2021

    délka: 01:56:10
    nahrávka pořízena v rámci projektu Stories of the 20th century
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The second best illegal money changer in Bratislava

Zdeněk Beňáček was born in the town of Hranice in Moravia in the Czech Republic. He completed the first five classes of elementary school in his hometown. Then he transferred to Martin, due to the transfer of his father. He studied at the mining high school in Ostrava. He joined the cycling club Baník Ostrava. Later, he studied mining college, which he did not finish. He entered the Military Academy of Antonín Zápotocký in Brno, later he was transferred to Dukla Trenčín, Topoľčian and Český Krumlov. He got married in 1978. He raced for SVŠ Inter Bratislava for a year. He returned to Baník Ostrava. He worked in the Czechoslovak national team. He excelled especially in the time trial, where he scored points in Venezuela, France and Italy. He ended his sports career due to accusations of stealing state property. He had occasional jobs as a driver, taxi driver, night watchman. He was the second best illegal money changer in Bratislava with currency and computers. He was released from pre-trial detention for theft of state property after Havel‘s amnesties. He worked in Italy and Germany as an olive orchard or court manager. He has two sons.