Firstly, the Czechs who were looting came. Only then those who stayed in Bílý Potok

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Margita Antonová was born on 27 February 1936 in Hejnice into a German family. Her father, Franz Krause, came from the neighbouring Bílý Potok, where the witness grew up and lived her whole life. Her father committed suicide during World War II because he did not want to return to the German army after suffering an injury. After the war, the witness and her mother were supposed to move out of Bílý Potok, but they ended up staying. Her mother worked in a weaving mill in Hejnice and was one of the German specialists who avoided the expulsion. Being German, the witness could only start school in September 1946, and for the first six months she was not marked due to her lack of knowledge of the Czech language. She finished primary school at the age of 16 and then began to study at the secondary medical school in Liberec. Due to insufficient financial resources she had to leave it after half a year and start working. Until her marriage in 1957, she worked at the Kolora company in Liberec, and after her maternity leave, she joined the Bytex national enterprise in Bílý Potok - first she worked in the production of carpet yarn, and later in the shipping department until her retirement. She and her husband Karel Anton raised two daughters. She was living in Bílý Potok in March 2023.