My nationality was given to me from God; I was born here, thus nobody can deprive me of my citizenship

Stáhnout obrázek
Mária Hupková was born on February 19, 1939. She comes from Bratislava and she considers herself to be an „old resident of Pressburg“. Her father died in the war and her mother married again afterwards. Mária was thus one of seven children. She attended school in Bratislava. She studied at the business academy. For some time she worked in Bojnice Spa, later she got employed in the State Quality Inspection. Finally she found a job in the Slovak Television where she worked as a secretary at the department of documentary films production. She perceived all the events and changes in society very sensitively. She vividly remembers the situation in the Czechoslovak Television when the Warsaw Pact troops took over it. She also found unforgettable to see army tanks in the streets of Bratislava, the more when she herself was a possible target for soldier with automatic in his hands. She also recalls the feelings of anxiety, fear or suspicion, which influenced people and their behaviour. Eventually, all these negative feelings resulted into the serious decision. In September 1968, along with her husband Ivan and their two children she immigrated to Australia. However, the Slovak judiciary sentenced them for emigration in their absence and in case of coming back home, they would be imprisoned. Thus they visited Slovakia, their homeland, yet after twenty years of living abroad, when the political changes allowed them to do so.